What we do know, is the image of the whole country

What we do know, is the image of the whole country

have been working at home for many days. Sometimes you have to get out for a while. Three days ago, on my way out of Gulshan, I suddenly saw a van and dropped a glass of car. I asked, any problem, brother? In his words, 'What did you ask him! Problem means! No work for 5 days. No one is calling. No money in my pocket. I do not know what to eat, what to feed the family people! ' The appearance of the man is like. I gave him some money. Maybe a few days will be gone. But if this situation continues for the next one month, how will it continue?

When a car stopped on the road, low-income people, rickshaw drivers came running. Saying, 'Mama gives something, Mama gives something!' What a situation. Horhamsa is also seeing such images on the television channel news. In the Corona epidemic, working people of different occupations, low-income people are in serious danger. Millions of people in our country are now living in this state. Many are helping. But they need a holistic adjustment. This collaboration should be done through a proper process. Most people in our country are taking to the streets ignoring Corona for stomach upset. The people of the country should be guaranteed food in the event of lockdown situation.

there are many capable people in our country, there are big domestic and foreign business establishments. The government should call everyone in one place. Establish a committee on organizations and individuals. From the government level, they should be divided into a single territory, saying that it is your responsibility or that of the region. The right way to deal with this food crisis during the Coronation period. Besides, the safety of doctors and police, who are still working in the field, must be ensured.

coronavirus or Covid-1 is a disease that requires more tests. Now a few labs test the disease. It needs to be expanded further. The city has to pay attention to the village as well. Last Tuesday I also talked to a big lab owner in Bangladesh, telling them, if you do not come to the Corona test, what will happen? Then he said, 'These are not in our hands. I can not do it if you want. ' I think it should be centrally dispersed. We did the lockdown. Now, more and more tests need to be made to create awareness. You have to look to the remote areas too. Regardless of the way the work is being done across the country, it would have been nice to have another set up. The reality is, sitting in Dhaka, we know, what is the picture of the whole country?
There are different opinions about Corona. Some say biological war, some say natural disaster. I think, where the World Health Organization is yet to say anything, it should not be talked about. This is an epidemic that no one in the world has ever seen before. Corona is a lesson for the future. How can we protect ourselves, how can we store food in case of such an epidemic? Keeping people safe - think about these things too. The developed countries of Europe, including America, are thinking about it.

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